Conference / Speeches

Selected Conference Participation

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Selected Conference Participation

Vor dem Politiktalk: Umweltminister Peter Altmeier (CDU), SPD-Bundestagsfraktionsführer Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Claudia Roth (Bündnis90/Die Grünen), Prof. Brigitte Unger (WSI). Moderation: Alexandra Tapprogge.

Expert Lecture on Offshore Centres and Money Laundering at the Panama Committee in the European Parliament, 24 January 2017.
For more information about the event, click here.


Fachtag “Frauen in Armut und Wohnungsnot“, Zukunft der Armut, Zukunft des Reichtums (Future of poverty and wealth), Sozialpädagogische Alternativen in Karlsruhe, Germany, 1 March 2016.
To see the program of the event, click here. To look at the presentation, click here. To visit the Sozpädal website, click here.


Österreichhische Geldwäschepolitik im EU-Vergleich, Vortrag von Brigitte Unger, am 05.10.2015 im Wissensturm Linz, im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe “Talk im Turm“. To watch the full video, click here.


Keynote lecture at the 10th Conference on Poverty, Salzburg, Austria, 24 February 2015.
To read additional information, click here.


WSI Herbstforum “Arbeitszeiten der Zukunft: Selbstbestimmt, Geschlechetergerecht, Nachhaltig!”, Germany, 27-28 November 2014.
To read the article about this conference in WSI, click here.


Speaker at Social Policy Conference of Social Justice Ireland “Towards a Social Europe”, Ireland, 30 November 2013.
To read the paper, presented at the conference, click here. To watch the full video, click here.


DGB and WSI Tagung „Neuen Ordnung der Arbeit“, 29 Mai 2013.
To read the article about this conference in WSI, click here. To watch the full video, click here and for the summary, click here. To visit the WSI link, click here.


Speaker at Hearings EU Parliament, Special Committee on Organised Crime, Corruption and Money Laundering, 23 April 2013.
To watch the video of the speech and the subsequent Question and Answer session, click here.


Chairman at ECOLEF Dissemination Conference, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, December 2012.
To find the book presented at the conference, click here.


Discussant at European Dialogue “What will happen after privatization and deregulation?” Panel: Austerity and Public Investment, Hans-Boeckler Stiftung, Brussels, Belgium, November 2012.


Presentation: Hat Wirtshaftspolitik noch eine Chance gegen Krisenursachen und Krisenfolgen? at WSI Herbstforum, Berlin, Germany, November 2012.
To watch the full video of the conference, click here.


Start-Up Meeting on the Future of Trade Unions and Union Research in Europe, Berlin, Germany, November 2012.


Presentation: “The ECOLEF-project: The Economic and Legal Effectiveness of Anti Money Laundering Policy” at Conference on Asset Recovery, Law office of the Republic of Cyprus, AyiaNapa, Cyprus, October 2012.


Presentation: „Geht die Europäische Union ins Zeitalter der Post-Demokratie?“ at Sozialstaatsenquete EU und Sozialpolitik: Wie wirkt sich die verstärkte fiskalische Integration auf die länderspezifische Sozialpolitik aus?, WIFO, Berlin, Germany, October 2012.


Presentation: „Neue Ordnung der Arbeit – von prekärer und schlechter Beschäftigung zur Guten Normalarbeit“ at the DGB-Herbsttagung, Berlin, Germany, October 2012.


WSI Tarifpolitische Tagung 2012: „Faire Löhne und Gute Arbeit. Aktuelle Entwicklungen der Tarifpolitik“, Düsseldorf, Germany, September 2012.
To visit the WSI link, click here.


Presentation: “Reanimating Labour oriented Research” at Workshop on Corporatism and Business Cycle, Verona, Italy, September 2012.


Presentation: “The Current Euro Crisis and the Role of Germany” at WSI Summer School 2012, Berlin, Germany, September 2012.


SPD-Arbeitsgruppe zur Enquete-Kommission „Wachstum, Wohlstand, Lebensqualität“, Berlin, Germany, June 2012.


Discussant at DGB Transformationskongress (Politik Talk), Berlin, Germany, June 2012 (see picture)
To hear the Politik talk in German, click here.


“Challenges of Europe – the Strength of Soft Power”, Dubrovnik, Croatia,  April 2012.


Panel Discussant at „Die Europäische Union in der Krise: Über die Verhältnisse gelebt?“, Bundesarbeitskammer Österreich, Brussels, Belgium, April 2012.


Lecture at the European Consortium of Policy Research, ECPR in Reykjavik, on “Do countries pretend to obey the law” (together with Joras Ferwerda), Reykjavik Iceland, 24-28 August 2011.


Keynote lecture at the Conference on the Shadow economy, topic on Money Laundering, University of Muenster, Germany, 28-31 Juli 2011.


Conference on „Europa in der Krise“, in memoriam Joerg Huffschmid, organized by ATTAC in cooperation with the Vienna Lectures (Wiener Vorlesungen), panel discussion with J. Galbraith, Altes Rathaus Vienna, Austria, 9 December 2010.


Regional Workshop EU project on The Economic and Legal Effectiveness of Anti Money Laundering  and  Combating  Terrorist  Financing  Policy,  Wirtschaftsuniversitaet  Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 1–3 December 2010.


Lecture  at  the  Dutch  tax  authority  conference,  Ontdekken  van  criminele  activiteiten,  FIOD  en belastingdient  Utrecht, Zalencentrum  inde  driehoek,  Utrecht,  the  Netherlands, 18 November 2010.


Die Krise fest im Griff? – Politik und Wirtschaftskrise, Arbeiterkammer Linz, Austria, 14 Januari 2010.


Presentation with J. Ferwerda: Eindrapport onderzoek criminele geldstromen op de conferentie “Samen Strijden tegen Ernstige Vormen van Criminaliteit”, 16 December 2009.


XVIII International Tor Vergata Conference on Money, Banking, and Finance, 2-4 December 2009.


“Dancing with the Devil”, guest lecture and paper presentation at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy, September 2009.


Keynote Lecture on the Causes and Effects of the Financial Crisis at the Austrian Green Party General Assembly in Graz, Austria.
Workshop on Money Laundering and lecture held at the Center for Crime Prevention at the University of Wollongong, Canberra, Australia, May 2009.


Keynote speaker for the Conference on Asian Pacific Crime Prevention (CSCAP) in Bangkok, Thailand, May 2009.


First meeting of the CSCAP Study Group on the Establishment of Regional Transnational Crime Hubs, Thailand, 1  May 2009.


Macroeconomic and Policy Implications of Underground Economy and Tax Evasion, Bocconi University, together with the University of Naples, Milan, Italy, 5-6 February 2009. To read the paper, prepared for the workshop, click here.


“Witwassen in Casinos”, presentation at Casino Utrecht, the Netherlands, 20 January 2009.


Europakongress of the Green Party Austria, “Für Europa lernen”, Opening Lecture ”Die Ursachen and Auswirkungen der Finanzkrise” (“The Causes and Effects of the Financial Crisis”), Graz, Austria, 21 November 2008.
To watch videos from the conference, click here for part 1, here for part 2 and here for part 3.

Combating Fraud and Financial Crime, European Law Academy ERA Trier, Trier, Germany, 19-20 October 2008.

Conference Momentum 08, leader of the panel Steuern, Hallstatt, Austria, 21-22 September 2008.

Workshop on Underground Banking,  Free University of Amsterdam (Dina Siegel and Henk van der Bunt), Lecture on Underground banking in Suriname, 12 March 2008.

Workshop on Money Laundering at Europol, the Hague (Raffael Rondelez), the Netherlands, 3 March 2008.

Finance Conference on Entrepreneurship & Innovation, The Stability or Instability of Financial Global Markets, Utrecht School of Economics, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 16 November 2007.

Conference on Tackling Money Laundering, organized by Brigitte Unger and Joras Ferwerda, Utrecht School of Economics, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 2-3 November 2007.
To read more, click here.

Conference on Anti-Money Laundering: a Criminal, Economic and Fiscal Perspective, organized by Center for Taxation and Public Governance, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 21 September 2007.
To see a report on the conference in Dutch, click here.

NFX Conference on the Dutch Financial Sector Development Exchange at Beurs van Berlage, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 2 November 2006.
To read more information about the topic and the conference in Dutch, click here.

ISFOL Conference on Labour Market Reforms and Work Incentives at the Badia, Fiesole, Italy, 2001.

Dissemination Conference of the EU Project on National Systems of Innovation and the Idea Innovation Chain in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 2001.

Conference on Employment Policy and Social Policy organized by the Hanse Wissenschaftskolleg, in Delmenhorst, Germany, 2000.
TV WS1 Interview on the National Activity Plan on Employment, July 1999.

Lecture at the Workshop on National Systems of Innovation, the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences, May 1999.
Conference on Equality, Welfare and Democracy, European Forum and IIS, Stanford University, California, the USA, May 1999.
TV discussion on the Euro, moderator Nora Frey, May 1998.
Opening Lecture and Radio Interview at the Works Council Meeting, Linz, Austria, 16 March 1998.
Panel organizer at SASE conferences in Irvine, California, the USA (1991), New York, the USA (1992), Vienna, Austria (1998) and Madison, Wisconsin, the USA (1999)
Invited guest lecture for DozentInnen at the meeting of the Nationaloekonomische Gesellschaft, Vienna, Austria, 5 June 1998.
Discussion Panel in the Republican Club on Poverty and wealth (“Von Armut reden, vom Reichtum schweigen”) together with Van der Bellen, Marin, Huster, Fürst, December 1997.
Opening Lecture of the Landesratssitzung of the Green Party on Poverty in the European Union, November 1997.
Conference on Globalization and Inequality, Utrecht University, the Netherlands, November 1996.
Conference on EU Enlargement organized by Prof Josling and Schleicher, Stanford University, California, the USA, April 1995.

SCANCOR Seminar, Prof. James March, Stanford University, California, the USA, February 1995.


Euro-lunch Talks, Center for European Studies, Stanford, California, the USA, 1995.


Conference on The Demise of the State, organized by the Austrian Academy of Science, by Egon Matzner and Wolfgang Blaas in May 1993 and on “Integration and Disintegration in Europe” in April 1994.


OECD-Conference on Medium Term Economic Assessment, Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance, Vienna, Austria, 1991.