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Rossel, L., Unger, B. & Ferwerda, J. (2021), Shedding light inside the black box of implementation: Tax crimes as a predicate crime for money laundering, Regulation & Governance
Gerbrands, P., Unger, B. & Ferwerda, J. (2021), Bilateral responsive regulation and international tax competition: An agent-based simulation, Regulation & Governance
Ferwerda, J. & Unger, B. (2021), How Big Are Illicit Financial Flows?, in: Unger, B., Rossel, L. & Ferwerda, J. (eds), Combating Fiscal Fraud and Empowering Regulators: Bringing tax money back into the COFFERS, p.75-88, Oxford University Press, Oxford
Rossel, L., Unger, B., Batchelor, J. & van Koningsveld, J. (2021), The Implications of Making Tax Crimes, in: Unger, B., Rossel, L. & Ferwerda, J. (eds) Combating Fiscal Fraud and Empowering Regulators: Bringing tax money back into the COFFERS, p.236-271, Oxford University Press, Oxford
Gerbrands, P. & Unger, B. (2021), Policy Reform Effects in the Tax Ecosystem, in: Unger, B., Rossel, L. & Ferwerda, J. (eds) Combating Fiscal Fraud and Empowering Regulators: Bringing tax money back into the COFFERS, p.272-310, Oxford University Press, Oxford
Unger, B. (2020), Improving Anti-Money Laundering Policy: Blacklisting, measures against letterbox companies, AML regulations and a European executive, Study for the European Parliament
Ferwerda, J., van Saase, A., Unger, B. & Getzner, M. (2020), Estimating money laundering flows with a gravity model-based simulation, Scientific reports 10(1), Nature Publishing Group, p. 1-11
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English Version: Who is responsible for the Financial crisis
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Unger, B. and J. Ferwerda (2009). Regulating Money Laundering and Tax Havens: The Role of Blacklisting, in: Sabitha, A., Combating Money Laundering – Transnational Perspectives, Chapter 5, Corporate Law series of Amicus Books, Icfai University Press
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Unger, B. and M. Siegel (2006) The Netherlands-Suriname Corridor for Workers’ Remittance, Prospects for Remittances when Migration Ties Loosen, Study prepared for the World Bank and the Dutch Ministry of Finance
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Unger, B. (2006). Who Governs? Economic Governance Mechanisms and Financial Market Regulation, in: Mooslechner, P., Schuberth, H. and Weber, B. (eds) (2006) The Political Economy of Financial Market Regulation, The Dynamics of Inclusion and Exclusion, Edward Elgar, pp. 59-88
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Unger, B. and F. van Waarden (1999) Interest Associations and Economic Growth. A Critique of Mancur Olson’s Rise and Decline of Nations, Review of International Political Economy (RIPE), 4
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