Projects / Working papers

Most recent projects


Combating Fiscal Fraud and Empowering Regulators


The European Union confronts expanded inequalities across a range of areas from gender, to generational, wealth, mobility and opportunity. One underlying factor common to these expanded inequalities is deficiencies in fiscal systems. The ‘Combatting Fiscal Fraud and Empowering Regulators’ (COFFERS) project seeks to redress these deficiencies as policy innovation at national, regional and international levels undergoes a period of accelerated development. The consortium identifies deficiencies and opportunities for upgrading in tax law, tax policy development, tax administration and enforcement at the EU level and across Member States. We track the tax gap and regulatory innovation. We trace how expert networks, jurisdictions and taxpayers adapt to and negotiate rapid evolutionary change. We transmit forward looking risk assessment and policy advice to intervene in that evolutionary process.


To visit the official webpage of the COFFERS project, click here.


WODC project

Aard en omvang van criminele bestedingen (Nature and extend of criminal spending)



Project voor het Wetenschappelijke Onderzoek -en Documentatiecentrum (WODC) in samenwerking met ‘ECORYS’ en de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU). Het doel van het project is om na te gaan hoe en in wat voor mate witwassen een ondermijnend effect kan hebben op de Nederlandse economie wanneer er rekening wordt gehouden met de aard en omvang van criminele bestedingen. Ook is het doel om in het project een indicatie te gegeven over de relatieve omvang van het zwarte geld dat Nederland binnenkomt ten opzichte van de laatste indicatie gedaan door mevrouw Unger en in welke mate dit geld in Nederland neerslaat.



Project commissioned by the Scientific Research and Documentation centre (WODC) in cooperation with ‘ECORYS’ and the Free University of Amsterdam (VU). The aim of the project is to investigate how and to what degree money laundering can have a subversive effect on the Dutch economy when the size and extend of the criminal spending are taken into account. Another goal of the project is to give an indication about the relative size of the illicit money that enters the Netherlands relative to the last measurement done by misses Unger and to what extend this money has a direct effect in the Netherlands.


To visit the official webpage of the WODC project, click here.


Publication managed by the Policy Department on Economic and Scientific Policies for the Committee on Money Laundering, tax avoidance and tax evasion (PANA)

Offshore activities and money laundering: recent findings and challenges


To see the final report, click here.



The Economic and Legal Effectiveness of Anti-Money Laundering and Combating Terrorist Financing Policy


To see the final report, click here.

To find the book, click here.


OCP project

Organized Crime Portfolio, project fort the EU


To see the final report “From Illegal markets to legitimate businesses: the portfolio of organised crime in Europe”, click here.


Project Corruption in Public Procurement

Project for OLAF


To see the final report of the research study “Identifying and reducing corruption in public procurement in the EU”, click here.

Working papers and projects

Unger, B. (2011) expert on Pietschmann, T., Walker, J. (2011) Estimating Illicit Financial Flows Resulting from Drug Trafficking and other Transnational Organized Crimes, Research Report for UNODC, Vienna


Unger, B., Ferwerda, J., Trouw, J., Nelen, H. and L. Ritzen (2010). Detecting Criminal Investment in the Dutch Real Estate Sector. Study prepared for the Dutch Ministry of Finance, Justice and Interior Affairs.


Ferwerda, J., I. Deleanu and B. Unger (2010) Revaluating the Tanzi-Model to Estimate the Underground Economy, Tjalling C. Koopmans Institute Discussion Paper Series nr: 10-04


Ferwerda, J., M. Kattenberg, H. Chang, B. Unger, L. Groot and J. Bikker (2009) A Gravity Equation for Trade and Trade Based Money Laundering, paper prepared for the XVIII International Tor Vergata Conference on Money, Banking, and Finance, Session E1: The Economics of Informal Sector: Money Laundering and Underground Economy, held at Tor Vergata University, Rome, December 2nd-4th, 2009


Unger, B. (2009) The Gravity Model for Measuring Money Laundering and Tax Evasion, Paper prepared for the Workshop on Macroeconomic and Policy Implications of Underground Economy and Tax Evasion, February 5-6, 2009 at Bocconi University Milan, Italy


Unger, B and F. van Waarden (2009) Attempts to Dodge Drowning in Data, Tjalling C. Koopmans Institute Discussion Paper Series nr: 09-19


Gilbert, N and B. Unger (2009) Do loans harm? The Effect of IMF Programs on Inequality, Tjalling C. Koopmans Institute Discussion Paper Series nr: 09-26


Unger, B and J. Ferwerda (2008) Regulating Money Laundering and Tax Havens: The Role of Blacklisting, Tjalling C. Koopmans Institute Discussion Paper Series nr: 08-12


McCarthy, K., F. van Doorn and B. Unger (2008) Globalisation, Tax Competition and the Harmonisation of Corporate Tax Rates in Europe: A Case of Killing the Patient to Cure the Disease?, Tjalling C. Koopmans Institute Discussion Paper Series nr: 08-13


Gnutzmann, H., K. McCarthy and B. Unger (2008) Dancing with the Devil: A Study of Country Size and the Incentive to Tolerate Money Laundering, Tjalling C. Koopmans Institute Discussion Paper Series nr: 08-18


Unger, B. (2007) Money Laundering, Tax Evasion, Capital Flight, Tax Havens, the Rule based and the Risk Based Approach: Keep it Simple, Paper prepared for the Transnational Institute Seminar on Money Laundering, Tax Evasion and Financial Regulation, 12th and 13th June 2007, Amsterdam, organized by Tom Blickman


Unger, B. (2006) The Amounts and Effects of Money Laundering, Dutch Ministry of Finance report, with the collaboration of dr. Greg Rawlings, drs. Melissa Siegel, Joras Ferwerda, BSc., Wouter de Kruijf, BSc., drs. Madalina Busuioc and drs. Kristen Wokke (link to the media attention for this publication)


Unger, B. and M. Siegel (2006) The Netherlands-Suriname Corridor for Workers’ Remittance, Prospects for Remittances when Migration Ties Loosen, Study prepared for the World Bank and the Dutch Ministry of Finance


Groezen, van, B., H. Kiiver and B. Unger (2006) Coordination of Pension Provision in a Divided Europe: The Role of Citizens’ Preferences, Tjalling C. Koopmans Institute Discussion Paper Series nr: 06-08


Unger, B. and G. Rawlings (2005) Competing for Criminal Money, Tjalling C. Koopmans Institute Discussion Paper Series nr: 05-26


Unger, B. (2003) Economic and Innovative Performance, in: Waarden, Frans van (ed.) (2003) Building Brides between Ideas and Markets. National Systems of Innovation and the Organization of the Idea-Innovation Chain. Part I. Summary Findings. Final report of a project financed by the European Commission under the Fifth Framework Program (Targeted Socio-Economic Research), Utrecht: Utrecht University, pp. 38-79


Unger, B. (2003) Institutions Supporting or Hampering Innovation, in: Waarden, Frans van (ed.) (2003) Building Bridges between Ideas and Markets. National Systems of Innovation and the Organization of the Idea-Innovation Chain. Part I. Summary Findings. Final report of a project financed by the European Commission under the Fifth Framework Program (Targeted Socio-Economic Research), Utrecht: Utrecht University, pp. 125-156


Giesecke, S., S. Rossak, H. Oosterwijk and B. Unger (2003) Telecommunications and the Austrian Paradox, in: Waarden, Frans van (ed.) (2003) Building Bridges between Ideas and Markets. National Systems of Innovation and the Organization of the Idea-Innovation Chain. Part II. Country-Sector reports. Final report of a project financed by the European Commission under the Fifth Framework Program (Targeted Socio-Economic Research), Utrecht: Utrecht University, pp. 24-75


Oosterwijk, H., S. Rossak and B. Unger (2003) Austrian Biotechnology—Where to Find on the Map?, in: Waarden, Frans van, (ed.) (2003) Building Bridges between Ideas and Markets. National Systems of Innovation and the Organization of the Idea-Innovation Chain. Part II. Country-Sector reports. Final report of a project financed by the European Commission under the Fifth Framework Program (Targeted Socio-Economic Research), Utrecht: Utrecht University, pp. 203-231


Unger, B. (2002) Many a Mickle Makes a Muckle. Austria’s Silent Labour Market Reforms, conference paper for the project Welfare Systems and Management of the Economic Risk of Unemployment of the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (RSCAS), European University Institute, Florence and the Istituto per lo Sviluppo della Formazione Professionale deiLavoratori (ISFOL), project directors Maurizio Ferrera and Martin Rhodes, Rome


Waarden, F. van, B. Unger, G. Schienstock, P. Tulkki, R. Kaiser, E. Grande, H. Oosterwijk (2002) Building Bridges between Ideas and Markets, project report for the European Commission


Unger, B. and M. Zagler (2000) Institutional and Organizational Determinants of Product Innovations, Vienna University of Economics and B.A., Department of Economics, Working Paper Series, Working Paper No. 74, November


Unger, B. (2000) Sozialpartnerschaft und wirtschaftliche Leistung im Vergleich 1970-2000, Projekt des Bundeskanzleramts: Institutionalisierung des Sozialen Dialogs in Rumänien, manuscript


Unger, B. and F. van Waarden (1994) Interest Associations and Economic Growth. A Critique of Mancur Olson s Rise and Decline of Nations, Centre for European Policy Research (CEPR) Discussion Paper, No. 894, April


Unger, B. and F. Van Waarden (1993) A Comparison of the Construction Industry in Europe, Characteristics, Governance, Performance and Future Perspectives, Working Paper of the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, No. 18/January


Unger, B. and F. Van Waarden (1992) A Comparison of the Construction Industry in Europe, Characteristics, Governance, Performance and Future Perspectives, FINE-Project on the Future of Industries in Europe, Working Paper of the University of Konstanz, Faculty of Public Administration, November 1992


Klatzer, E. and B. Unger (1992) Will Internationalization Lead to a Convergence of National Economic Policies? Working Paper of the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, No.12/June


Unger, B. (1991) Aspects of Fiscal Policy in the Transition Process? A Comment. OECD Conference on Medium Term Economic Assessment, BMF Vienna , October